Sandalwood essential oil is a soothing, sensuous oil that is a favorite of many. It is used as a perfume, medicine, cosmetic and as an aid to mediation and spiritual practice. And is considered by some to be an excellent aphrodisiac.

Sandalwood (Santalum album) of the family Santalaceae is a small evergreen tree with parasitic roots. It is produced in India, Indonesia and China, but that grown in East India in the district of Mysore, and called Mysore sandalwood, is considered the best. The plantations are government protected in India.

Distillation of the inner heartwood and roots produces an oil that is thick, viscous and yellowish. The fragrance is considered balsamic, woody, sweet, spicy, oriental and persistent. The odor, although not initially strong, develops when applied to the skin and is appealing to both men and women. It is an excellent fixative, considered a base note and is widely used in high-class perfumes. It blends well with most other oils, but particularly rose and neroli. Sandalwood has a long shelf life, actually becoming better with age because the oxidation process improves the scent.

Sandalwood is a sacred tree of India, and is mentioned in the old Sanskrit and Chinese books. Its history goes back at least 2500 years. It was widely used as incense in religious ceremonies, embalming and death ceremonies.

Sandalwood is a genitourinary antiseptic used for urinary infections such as cystitis and was used at one time for gonorrhea. It is also a good pulmonary antiseptic, particularly for dry, persistent, irritating coughs, chronic bronchitis and is soothing to sore throats. It is excellent as an inhalant and as an external application to the chest and throat.

It is also considered antidepressant, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent and diuretic.

Sandalwood oil is beneficial to many different skin types and problems. It can be used for dry and dehydrated skin, especially in the form of warm compresses. At the opposite end of the scale it is also helpful for oily skins and acne, as it is slightly astringent and is a powerful antiseptic. It is also good in conditions of itching and inflammation.